Dual boot : Windows8 and Debian mint

if you want to dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 on a computer with UEFI firmware, this steps given in this tutorial will work also.
Getting From Here To There: To successfully set up a dual-boot system with Windows 7 and Linux Mint Debian 2, you’ll need to have access to a Windows 7 computer. After that, enough space has to be recovered from the C drive to use for installing LMDE 2. Then you’ll download an installation image of LMDE 2, transfer it to a USB stick and then install it alongside Windows 7 on the target hard disk.
To install LMDE 2, the following partitions have to be created:
  • Root partition – mounted at /
  • Home partition – mounted at /home
  • Swap partition
If you’re new to disk partitioning in Linux, take a moment to read Beginners to disks and disk partitions in Linux before embarking on this fun adventure.

SSH in simple five steps

SSH (Secure SHELL) is an open source and most trusted network protocol that is used to login into remote servers for execution of commands and programs. It is also used to transfer files from one computer to another computer over the network using secure copy (SCP) Protocol.
In this article we will show you how to setup password-less login on RHEL/CentOS 7.x/6.x/5.x and Fedorausing ssh keys to connect to remote Linux servers without entering password. Using Password-less login with SSH keys will increase the trust between two Linuxservers for easy file synchronization or transfer.
SSH Passwordless Login
Setup SSH Passwordless Login

NginX as Reverse proxy : Multiple applications on single domain

Usually when you install a Web Application you assign its own domain for it, but there are a handful times when you want to install two or even more applications under the same domain. For example, let’s say you have a Wordpress blog, and you want to use ZenPhoto for your photo album, and just to complicate it a little more you want to have a forum managed by Discourse. Sure you can just use Wordpress plugins to make Wordpress manage all of these, or use Drupal or any other thing, but for this example let’s suppose you want to do it this way.